Saturday, January 26, 2008

Foiled again

So, the Girl. She does this thing that I did at her age. She doesn't like to sleep in her own bed.

She starts out there, more or less. But somewhere in the wee hours, she wakes up. And that's when my bed shines with the light of Mecca, beckoning her to its warm embrace. Someone once wrote about how sneaky a similar Scorpiolette had become in her nocturnal wanderings, which had prompted me to inform the Girl that if she was very, very quiet when she climbed into my bed, so quiet that I didn't wake up, I wouldn't be able to put her BACK in her bed. This worked like a charm at the time, my priority being to get some damned sleep. Now that my priority is to get the kid to sleep in her own bed? Not so much. Plus, she's sneaky getting in, but eventually she sticks her feet in my ribs, which means I wake up every morning, around 3:00 a.m., which really throws off the whole sleep cycle thing.

So I've vowed to haul myself out of bed when she comes in, take her back to her bed, and lie down with her there until she gives up and just figures the extra walking isn't worth it. Some day soon, I envision a full night's uninterrupted rest.

The other night, I managed to get both kids to sleep without falling asleep myself, lying next to one or the other. The reward: A hot bath, that rarist of luxuries in this house.

But damn, the thing wiped me out! Maybe I made it too hot, maybe I stayed in too long, but when I got out, I collapsed into bed. I seem to remember thinking, "Well, at least I'll sleep well."

Which I did, I guess. Until I woke up, around 3:00 a.m..

In the Girl's bed.

No idea how I got there. But she was sound asleep, so I guess I was sneaky.


Belle said...

Too funny. Did you stick your feet in her back?

Kyla said...

That's hilarious! Perhaps she spiked your bath water.

Krupskaya said...

Haw! I love it!

Maia doesn't creep up into our bed anymore, but she DOES go to the bathroom and then say quietly, "Mama? Tuck me back in? I don't know how." And if I say no, she does that almost-silent weeping that tears me into little pieces. Damn, she's good.

Clementine said...

Ha! That's awesome.

B.E.C.K. said...

Oh my! I can't tell you the number of times I've fallen asleep with my kiddo, only to awake around midnight and feel cheated out of my alone time. ;^) Too funny that you don't remember getting into your daughter's bed!

JCR said...

Great story! Last night I fell asleep in two other rooms before finding my own bed. I prefer when Heff is out of town and we can all just fall asleep in my bed from the start. :)

Jessica said...

Too cute...

My son, much to his chagrin, recently had to sleep with me due to company occupying his bed - he couldn't hardly believe there was a time he begged to do it.

Andrew said...

Maybe you should try peeing the bed occasionally? Just a thought.