Monday, December 27, 2004


Have you ever had one of those days when you wake up late, throw on yesterday's jeans, rush out the door, run to the train, take the train to another station, switch to the tube, sit there like a sardine for 30 minutes, reading your book and studiously ignoring your fellow stiff-lipped travelers, only to realize, as you pack up your book and get ready for your final stop, that the underwear you wore the day before (and stripped off with the jeans last night) has migrated down the leg and has been hanging out the bottom, stuck to the velcro on your sneaker, for God only knows how long?

No? Oh, neither.


jo(e) said...

Oh, I laughed out loud at this. Yeah, it's happened to me. More than once.

Krupskaya said...

Back when I worked in an office, I had the underwear bunched up under my ass in my nice clingy knit pants, so clingy you can practically see the pattern on the underwear. And I didn't notice it until halfway through the morning. And then, what the hell do you do with your dirty underwear then?

Psycho Kitty said...

Uh...burn it in effigy? :)