Saturday, January 15, 2005

New Home Alarm, Part Deux

Fact: Toddlers can climb much higher than you think they can.
Fact: Toddlers will climb very, very high to reach keys.
Fact: The Panic button on the key fob works.
Fact: The alarm is very loud.
Fact: A toddler who has had the bejesus scared out of her by the very loud alarm can actually scream louder than the alarm.

-brought to you by The Girl


bitchphd said...

These new home alarm posts are fucking hilarious. I can only imagine how *not* hilarious it actually is to live through all this, but it makes for good blog fodder...

~profgrrrrl~ said...

I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of this. I like my chair-shoved-under-doorknob pseudo-security. Hee.

Do the cops come when the alarm goes off? That could be interesting...

Christine said...

I bet she doesn't do it again!